Saturday, June 7, 2014

How to Earn Money Online by Submitting a List

Listverse is a site with unique top 10 lists of nearly everything. There are lists about mysteries, history, misconceptions, TV, Movies, books etc. It’s a collection
of more than 2500 lists and attracts thousands of unique visitors daily. To grow there unique list and get more and more new people visit their site they accept unique list from there readers. Readers who didn't have any experience as writers but can come with a list of 10 or more items and 1500 words they will pay $100. You can write a list about top ten mysteries that not resolved or top ten books in the history of mankind etc. Use your mind and think about a unique list. Please search Listverse so that you are not submitting a duplicate list.

Payment is dome through PayPal.

Here is the link to Listerverse submit a list

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