Friday, June 6, 2014

How to Earn Money Online from this Five Micro Job Sites

Here in this post I came up with a list of sites which will help you earn extra cash from home. These are micro-task sites and you can register on these sites and then perform micro tasks assigned to you to get paid.
Micro job sites connect people who have a variety of SEO, digital marketing/advertising, and social media needs with an army of workers looking to turn their free time in front of the computer monitor into cash in their bank accounts.

All of below sites also allow people from India to participate and you can give your PayPal account number to receive money. You can easily make $3 to $4 per hour working on micro tasks and if you work hard you can make much more than that. Micro tasks can be related to finding few contact details from various internet websites or visit a forum and post comments etc.

These sites take a test before they assign you tasks to basically check if your English grammar is good enough or about your analytical abilities.

Here is a list of those sites and few details.

1) Postloop

Postloop is a Content Marketplace where you earn money by posting in blogs and forums. Basically bloggers and forum owners need traffic. Sometimes they pay for it. Postloop helps them to get the traffic and ask people like you to visit such blogs and forums. They will provide you a list of sites which you need to visit and make comments or participate in forum. Then when you comment or post something on these sites, they verify it and after that pay you.

The process is to register which is completely free of cost and then you have to make 10 trials Post or Comments. Make sure your English grammar is very good otherwise you will get rejected. Postloop team will then check that 10 posts or comments and approve or reject your application. For every comment you make you are going to earn points (1 to 2 pts) and every point is equal to $0.05 = Rs 3. You can take out money if you have 100 points i.e. Rs 150.

Use this link to signup

2) Amazon Mturk

Amazonmechnical turk is a marketplace for micro tasks. This site helps business and developers access to on-demand workforce. Businesses post small small task called HIT (Human Intelligence Task) and you can accept and complete them. Tasks are like describing images with a simple sentence or find images of real estate agents on the internet. It is very easy and there is thousand of HITS available.

It takes around 48 hrs to approve your membership. Once approved you can accept HITs and perform them.

3) Microworker

Microworkers is an innovative, International online platform that connects Employers and Workers from around the world. It works same as Mturk and just as its name suggests, the tasks assigned to Workers and paid for by Employers are simple and quick, mostly completed in a few minutes, thus, are called “micro jobs”. These tasks include simple sign-ups, social bookmarking tasks, forum participation, website visits, rating videos or articles, voting up contest entries, adding comments, suggesting leads, creating backlinks, writing reviews or articles, downloading applications and so much more.

Joining Microworkers is free, and as an International site, anyone from any country can be a member.

You need a PIN to withdraw money and that they send it to your mailing address after you place a withdrawal request.

Here is few conditions

Payout limit is $9.
Payments are sent via Paypal, or Money bookers(Skill)
Payments are processed within 30 days after placing a withdrawal request)

Once your Postal PIN is verified, Payments are sent twice per week.

Check out The FAQ here and signup here

4) ClickChores is again a micro jobs community that connects people who have a variety of SEO, digital marketing/advertising, and social media needs with an army of workers looking to turn their free time in front of the computer monitor into cash in their bank accounts.

Sign up > Find a Job > Complete the Job> Submit Your Proof > Get Paid> Withdraw Your Money 

5) PaidViewPoint 

PaidViewPoint is a market research survey site which pays you to participate in surveys. They pay cash for every completed market research survey. PaidViewPoint team will automatically send you surveys and you get alert in your email when you receive a survey. You can participate also from your Smartphone and All cash-out payments are made through PayPal, without any exceptions. 

Signup here to participate

I hope above information will be helpful you in starting your work from home tasks. Please give your feedback by posting comments as it will help me to improve.

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