Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to Earn Money Online from uploading YouTube Videos

Earning online from YouTube by uploading videos is a recent trend and fast catching up with other ways of online earning. This is relatively easy
and chances of overnight success are huge. Remember "Gangnam Style" of South Korean musician Psy. The video went viral on YouTube and made Psy an overnight star worldwide. The song topped the music charts of over 30 countries and became most liked video on YouTube.

You can also start your own channel on YouTube and upload videos. Videos not necessarily of any songs or movie. Do not try to upload old Hindi movie songs or Punjabi  movies etc. That may lead to copyright infringement and can backfire. 

Try with something original, like some dancing videos at some marriage party or technical tutorial etc. There are hundreds of ways to make an eye catching video. Some of the Ideas I have listed below.

So now question comes into your mind on how you will earn from it. Remember while you watch any Video on YouTube there is an ad displayed over/under it and also there are ads displayed on the side. Besides that if you are watching any long movie, there are intervals where you need to watch an ad to continue watching the movie. Companies pay to display ad and Google share the revenue with you. You will get roughly 70% of the revenue generated from ad displayed on your videos. Same way as I have written in my previous article "Earn from Blogging", here also you can display ads from affiliate programs and earn from it. The best part of earning from uploading videos on YouTube is that attracting people to a YouTube is much more easy than a Blog and also there is a strong linking between various YouTube videos so people keep on clinking next and next video

Here is a news about a video which went viral a few years ago and earned the creator more than $100000. 

Type of videos you can upload on YouTube
  • Comedy Videos may have taken accidentally
  • Tutorials. May be how to make a "Chicken tikka masala". You can shoot it while doing cooking also.
  • Review of products. May be you upload of video review of recently released movie or a makeup product. Upload a genuine opinion and so that if people like it they may subscribe you and take a look at your you tube channel before deciding to go to a movie or buying a product.
  • These days a lot of people who are not getting a chance to work in movies or serials, are creating their own small small movies and uploading them to YouTube, using it to reach people and show their talent.
So what are you waiting for. Search your video library and upload them and start earning. For more info on how to create a YouTube Account and use it for monetization, please click here.

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