Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to Earn Money Online from Blogging

Most of us are interested in making more and more money and if you are like me you must have thought about starting your own business online. Online business is easier to set up and you start earning immediately and reach your target customers across the globe. There are a number of businesses
and things which can you do online like selling items on eBay or Amazon and do something like online ticket retailing for flights like Yatra or Makemytrip or selling buses tickets like red bus or something more like online retailing Myntra or Jabong.

Besides a cut throat competition and lower margins these sites needs a hell lot of investment to develop and support.

I will introduce you a lot easier and less competitive way to earn money which doesn't need much of your time and you can do it at your leisure and maybe in your free time at office. It can also be related to yours day-to-day work.

Yes, you are right, I am talking about writing blogs and monetize them. If you have passion to write or share knowledge (I believe everyone have that) and wants to earn more than well this is post you should read.

First thing comes in everybody's mind is what to write in blog about. I can say you can write blogs about anything. About your hobby, Review about any movie you recently watched, any hill station or place you recently visited, any short stories or anything you like. As I take my example I love to share my knowledge and technical skills on Oracle Applications therefore I write a blog about Oracle Apps functionality. Same way you can think about something which you may choose to write about. Initially this feel like this is not for me or something I cannot do this but slowly you will gain confidence. Main thing is to start writing.

Two best sites to start a blog are

Now the next question comes how to monetize and earn money from a blog. I tell you many ways.

1) There are a number of sites which pay if you drive traffic to their sites from your site. How? They will display an ad or banner on your blog and when someone click on that ad or banner and buy something these sites share a profit with you for these types of sales. These programs are called affiliate programs. Some of the best are like Amazon affiliate program, eBay affiliate, Flipcart (India), VIG links and Skim links. These are also called affiliate marketing. You need to sign up for these programs and most of them are free. After you sign up they will guide you on how to display their ads on your site and they pay you if someone buy after clicking on your site. You can access your reports like how many clicks and how many of them actually turn up in sales. Well here you cannot control if someone click and buy it but the main mantra for success and earn money is to drive more and more traffic to your site and display related products to your blog. People are likely to click and buy if the products you are displaying is related to blogging. Suppose you are writing about hill station then you can display holiday packages or if technical blog then you can display tech books or gadgets.

Normally they share about 1% to 10% of the sales through your site. Well I know initially you feel that this is not much but slowly as you write and more and traffic increase you can earn substantial.

2) Another way to earn is to Google Ad sense. You must have seen Google ads when visiting different sites. These are coming from Google ad sense only. You can sign up for Google Adsense and see if your blog is eligible for it. For blogger you do not need to sign up as there is a direct way and link in blogger.
Ad sense displays ads on your blog from different partners and pay even for clicks on the ads. The content of your blog should be very good and interest peoples. The best way to drive tariff is to make your blog searchable by search engine like Goggle, Bing and Yahoo. They are an excellent source of terrific.

Try not to pay people to click on ads as this may lead to more loss of revenue than earnings.

Another way is to share your blog on social networking site like Facebook, Google + etc.

You can also send emails to your friends about your blog or have an RSS feed enabled.

One other way is to let others contribute to your blog and in this way more and more people will visit a quality increase.

Also comments and follow other blogs, participate in the forum and display your blog in your signature.

The main aim is to drive traffic to your blog. Try to target a specific set of people for your blog.

3) Third way to monetize your blog is to sell white papers. I take my example, I am a functional consultant for Oracle apps and there are always people who look for technical information online. I can prepare PDF documents in my free time which I can sell online. The money you can receive through Paypal etc.

I hope the above information help and keep you writing more and more

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